Payment and Cancellation Policy

Monthly Subscription 

Your subscription shall be on a month to month basis. We will begin to charge you for your use beginning on the date your free trial expires, or if you have not previously entered your billing information, when you provide us your billing information, whichever is later. Thereafter, we shall bill you on a monthly recurring basis. Subscription automatically renews on a monthly basis unless you terminate your subscription in accordance with the following terms.

Cancellation Policy

 You can cancel your subscription at any time by contacting our customer service team. Your cancellation will become effective at the end of the current monthly billing period When canceling a monthly subscription, all future charges associated with future months of your subscription will be canceled. 

The cancellation process might take up to 3 business days after your notification. Thus, please let us know at least 3 business days before your current billing period ends to prevent your payment from being renewed automatically.

You will not receive a refund for the very month of your cancellation; however, your subscription access and/or delivery and accompanying subscriber benefits will continue for the remainder of the current monthly billing period. 

 To reactivate your subscription, you can simply re-pay for your new subscription. However, you will be charged the whole amount of your chosen subscription fee and your monthly billing period will be renewed automatically. (i.e., if you cancel your subscription on Feb.10 and reactivate it on Feb.15, your monthly billing period will be automatically renewed every 15th of each month.) We will do our best to make it convenient for those who will revisit Munch in the near future. 

If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact us at